Positioners revolutionize assembly and beyond

Positioners bring breakthrough productivity outside of welding.

When you think of positioners used in manufacturing, a welding application might be the first thing that comes to mind. That impression isn’t wrong – with approximately 75% of ALM’s positioners being used for welding applications, it’s clear they’re a go-to to make welding faster, safer and more efficient.ALM Positioners Product Photo

But what about that other 25%? The applications outside of welding are growing. And growing fast!

Forward-thinking companies are now leveraging the power of positioners in assembly and other applications to boost throughput and redefine their manufacturing processes. If you have a large product, or are managing large equipment, chances are a positioner could be transformative for your business.

Today, with companies being faced with high material costs and a shortage of skilled labor, the advantage of doing your work faster, safer and better is even more critical. By integrating positioners into your operation, you can streamline processes and cut costs while improving product throughput and quality.

Think about eliminating manual interventions and manipulation of your workpiece, or rotating thousands of pounds to a precise location automatically. It’s all possible when a positioner plays a role on your floor.

Thinking big for big products

A little innovation can go a long way when it comes to making your production process more efficient. Beyond assembly and welding, industries such as painting and inspection are discovering the benefits of incorporating positioners into their workflows. The following industries are utilizing positioners within their process:

  • Aerospace/defense
  • Automotive
  • Agriculture
  • Construction
  • Disassembly/unloading material
  • Tooling builders
  • Trailer manufacturing

No matter the industry, manufacturers of large products have always been met with the challenge of handling their material and products. Now, you can automate previously labor-intensive tasks, making your operation safer and more efficient. Positioners offer versatility to empower skilled laborers across the board for nearly all manufacturers of large products or those managing or transporting large amounts of material.

With assembly, positioners enable workers to move components with ease, reducing the risk of errors and rework. Repeated precision ensures a predictable process that optimizes production times and overall quality.

Down to every detail

Positioners make the assembly process more comfortable and ergonomic for workers by providing easy access to your product. Take an agriculture application, for example. If you’re building a tractor, not only do you have brakes, axels and electrical to install, but even just the cab demands an intensive assembly process. You have wire harnesses, seats, headliners, insulation – all things that are hard to manipulate. If you can easily manipulate and access every angle of the cab, you can speed up that process.

If a positioner can improve just one step of your manufacturing process, the saved time adds up to big bottom-line benefits. An area of opportunity is clear within painting, blasting and fiberglass applications. Whether you’re applying fiberglass to the hull of a boat or painting a chassis or frame, being able to precisely and effortlessly tilt the product with a positioner is a gamechanger.

Not to mention, when your laborers are able to work on every detail of the product safely and comfortably, it has a direct positive impact on the overall quality of product. When worker fatigue is reduced, it leads to higher job satisfaction and overall well-being.

All the latest tech

Embracing innovation and investing in cutting-edge equipment will undoubtedly shape a brighter future for industries, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible and redefining the very nature of work.

At ALM Positioners, we pride ourselves by delivering custom solutions that will no-doubt transform your manufacturing floor. We’re inspired by the countless ways our positioners have been utilized.

Not only is there room to get creative and innovative with how you use a positioner, but the positioner technology and compatibility is constantly evolving to deliver even more results.

If you’re wondering how a positioner could work within your operation, contact us for a consultation or stop by an upcoming tradeshow like FABTECH, where ALM Positioners will be displayed, including a servo-powered skyhook as well as a co-bot interacting with a positioner.

There are countless ways to use the power of a positioner, and unlimited opportunity awaits those who do.


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